You never really know what will be the next thing to inspire you. Well, that's exactly what happened to me with this particular photo session. One afternoon while on Pinterest, I came across an image of a lady wearing a floppy hat and just like that I knew it was something that I had to create - an image that's mysterious, intriguing and ultimately beautiful, from the styling to the model to the location. 
What's funny is and if you know anything about me, a floppy hat is something that I do not own (lol), so I put it out on social media and a few friends came through and ta-da, I had a hat. I don't know, I liked the vibe it created, one of mystery and I knew that the shadows it would create with the right lighting would be perfect. 
I've never met Rickia before but after finding her on instagram, I had a gut feeling that she would be the perfect person to help me on this project. Again, I want people to wonder "who's the lady with the floppy hat?" because thats a similar effect the photo on Pinterest had on me. Needless to say, Rickia came through and was very easy to photograph. She followed my direction ( although I didn't have to say much, she's that good!), was not afraid to get down and dirty in the sand (and water) and bring the vibes that I needed to make this session a success. 
Lately I've been on a journey of wanting to create images that convey some sort of emotion. In a time where it doesn't cost us much to take a photograph (mainly because of our accessibility to smart phones with cameras) I still want to be able to make good photographs. Theres a difference you know? I've been learning a lot about all that goes into creating an image that causes people to want to pause and look, especially in our fast pace world. Photography is beautiful and the possibilities are endless with a little creativity, heart and desire. In the words of my mentor, Scharad, "Make Photography Great Again."
Photographed By: RayAndra Nairn | Talent: Rickia Smith| Grips: Travis Bastian & Seven Thomas | BTS: Raygan Nairn | Makeup: Looks By Char
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